Scholarships and School Hacks for
Christian College Girls to
Graduate Debt-Free

Money and
Mental Peace

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Hey Girl!
I'm kara

Are student loans stacking up and you feel like you are drowning under the weight of debt? Do you feel like there is no possible way for you to pay off the loans and find more money for college? Do you wish there was a way to find EASY scholarships that you actually qualify for?

... create your personalized blueprint so you can graduate from college debt-free! In this course, learn how to develop a God-focused, debt-free mindset, confidently keep a college budget, and choose a quality school that saves you money, PLUS find free classes, cheap textbooks, and amazing scholarships! A debt-free degree is going to be easier than you think!

It’s Time To…

I want in!!!

I graduated from college debt-free, with $10,000 left in the bank, and I’m now on a quest to help others do the same! I'll teach you how, when you check out my podcast below.





Such a good resource!
I wish I had this podcast when I was in college but I’m so glad I found it now! My kids are little but I’m determined to not have my kids leave school with the college debt and stress I did. Kara offers helpful tips and knows all the things about leaving college debt free. A must listen for anyone with kids that may go to college and even if you have debt you want to overcome!

Intentional Edit


All the Right Info!
Kara really knows here stuff when it comes to scholarships and graduating from college debt free! If you know anyone that will be in college in the next few years, this podcast is a great resource and full or helpful tips for finding scholarships, financial aid and much more!!

Spouse Strong Mama


The Creative Stratgey Talk Podcast
I have to say that Kara really has something good here. I wish I had this information that she poors out about college and being a Christian at the same time when I was going to college. I also wish I had a mentor while I was in college to help me navigte the finicially responsibility that came with getting loans and so forth. What a great message and awesome way to help young ladies to stay out of debt. It truly will help the next generation and I totally wish I had something like this. Amazing! ~The Creative Stratgey Talk Podcast



I wish I had found this sooner!
This podcast would have saved me thousands if I had found it sooner. I’ll be recommending it to anyone about to head to college or currently in college.



Every High School & College Girl Should Listen To This!
Kara is an incredible guide and friend to help you with an overwhelming source of stress and anxiety for college. Paying for tuition and graduating debt-free. She offers coaching and connects her listeners to scholarships and finding money to help them do so. I am referring her to every young woman I know since I wish I had a Kara when I was going through college struggling with these very issues. Thank you Kara for this valuable help and resource for all the young ladies going through this phase of their lives.

Claiming Simplicity


Amazing info for college girls!
I’m so looking forward to hearing all about how my girls can go to college debt free-only 14 and 12 now, but it will be here before we know it! Thank you so much for this incredible information and great resources! Anyone preparing for college should listen to this podcast!



Perfect for soon-to-be college students
This podcast could not be better for those seeking a college degree, especially debt-free! I’ve know Kara since she started her own journey and I love that she’s poured her lessons learned in this podcast so others can learn her tips and tricks to success!



So Needed!
Every parent with a child heading off to college needs to hear this. Don’t fall for the student loan trap, listen to a different way.



Perfect if you’re struggling with money in college
If you’re a Christian college student, then this is the podcast for you. Kara breaks down some of the financial worries that many college students struggle with. Listen in and learn!



So important!
Kara is sharing such valuable insights and information! I wish I had her in my ear when I was in my 20s!! 💕

the Christian College Girl Community
is on facebook!

I wanna join!

So listen, I know what it feels like to be stressed out about how you will pay for college debt-free, wishing it could just be easier, and wanting the peace of knowing how it will all work out.

I GET IT, I was there. I also overcame those stressors, and through testing out of classes, grants, scholarships, internships, and cash, graduated from college debt-free WITH OVER $10,000 LEFT IN MY BANK ACCOUNT.

Because of that, I was able to jump right into starting a business where I did the research for students, and found them scholarships for college. But I always thought there was more! I
started to write a book, until I found podcasting and created my course, and the rest is history!

Now I’m a 20 something entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and recovering
overachiever. I want to help YOU find the connection between Money and Mental Peace in your own life, tell that overachiever self to be quiet, and feel RELIEF because you’ll know EXACTLY how to KILL it at college.

Listen to the podcast, and join me!

Love & prayers,
Kara <3

hey there!

So If you are
ready to...

i want free college!

... have a strategic plan of how to pay for the rest of your college journey, and graduate debt-free, come and join me!